Please respect my religion🙏

According to my religion, inhale is a sacred ritual, through I get in contact with God.

Probably therefore in ancient Slavic tradition*, and also in other branches of Vedic cultures (as Yoga, Buddhist and Hindu way meditations) are breathing keys!

In the Slovak language is the name of God the sound of exhaling. It sounds like ‘Boh’.


‘Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.’


Article 18. of Universal Declaration of Human Rights



Please Respect my Religion, and put any obstacle between my God and myself!
By restricting my contact with my God you deny me mine basic Human Rights!
You have to force me to cut off from my God!
If you do it, you will kill Freedom, you will kill our Democracy!
You would be an active creature which set up totality and dictatorship, similar as was nazi soldiers and SS part of Hilrers narcism!
You, as a soldier or policeman have a right and obligation to refuse orders against Human Rights!


Thank you for your respect. 🙏

Tibi Moravcik


* Wrongly called paganism! The Vedic civilisation was much more spiritually developed than Jew’s version of Christianity.




Other of Tibi’s blogs:

The mask and chance to get Covid-19

Brainstorming of Nation

True colour in the Dark Room

Herd immunity

Power of social contact